BENGALI Forex BLOG Article

118. Algorithmic Trading in Forex | Forex BD

Foreign exchange (Forex) trading is the buying and selling of currencies on a decentralized global market. The Forex market is highly volatile, and traders need to make quick decisions based on market trends to make profits. Algorithmic trading in Forex, also known as automated trading, refers to using computer programs to execute trades based on

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119. Risk Management in Forex | Forex BD.

Forex trading is an exciting and potentially lucrative venture, but it is not without its risks. The market is highly volatile and unpredictable, and traders can lose their investments in a matter of minutes. That is why it is essential to implement effective risk management strategies to minimize losses and maximize profits. In this article,

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120. Trading Psychology in Forex | Forex BD.

I. Introduction A. Definition of Forex Trading Psychology B. Importance of Trading Psychology in Forex II. Common Forex Trading Psychology Mistakes A. Emotional Trading B. Lack of Discipline C. Overconfidence D. Revenge Trading III. Ways to Improve Trading Psychology A. Develop a Trading Plan B. Control Emotions C. Practice Proper Risk Management D. Keep a

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121. Currency Pairs to Watch in Forex | Forex BD.

As a trader in the foreign exchange market, knowing which currency pairs to watch is crucial to your success. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned trader, staying on top of the latest market trends is essential to making informed decisions and maximizing profits. In this article, we will provide you with an overview

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117. Quantitative Analysis in Forex | Forex BD.

Quantitative Analysis in Forex When it comes to Forex trading, one of the most important aspects that traders need to pay attention to is analysis. And when we talk about analysis, we are referring to two main types: fundamental and technical analysis. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in another type

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116. Fundamental Analysis in Forex | Forex BD.

Forex trading involves the buying and selling of currencies from around the world. This type of trading is done in the global foreign exchange market, which is the largest financial market in the world. Forex traders use different types of analysis to make trading decisions, and one of the most popular is fundamental analysis. In

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114. High-Frequency Trading in Forex | Forex BD.

The world of forex trading has evolved immensely since the early days of paper-based transactions. With the advent of technology, traders can now execute trades at lightning-fast speeds, thanks to a concept known as High-Frequency Trading (HFT). In this article, we will explore what HFT is, its pros and cons, and how it works. Table

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115. Technical Analysis in Forex | Forex BD.

The foreign exchange market (Forex) is the largest financial market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded every day. One popular approach to trading in this market is technical analysis. Technical analysis in Forex involves the use of charts and other tools to identify patterns in price movements and make predictions about future price

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৭০. কিভাবে সহজে ফরেক্স ট্রেডিং করা যাই? How to do forex trading easily? Forex BD

কিভাবে সহজে ফরেক্স ট্রেডিং করা যাই? How to do forex trading easily? Forex BD ফরেক্স ট্রেডিং কি?   ফরেক্স ট্রেডিং হলো বিদেশী মুদ্রা বিনিয়োগের সাধারণ নাম। এটি মুদ্রা বিনিয়োগের বিপুল বাজার যা সারা বিশ্বে প্রচলিত এবং দৈনন্দিনভাবে লাখ কোটি ডলারের উচ্চ পরিমাণে পরিচালিত হয়। এই বিনিয়োগের মাধ্যমে ব্যক্তিরা এক মুদ্রা বিনিয়োগ থেকে অন্য মুদ্রা বিনিয়োগে

৭০. কিভাবে সহজে ফরেক্স ট্রেডিং করা যাই? How to do forex trading easily? Forex BD Read More »

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